Jesus said: " I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry……." John 6:35

 Sustainable Family Food Production Program (SFFPP)

What is SFFPP?

SFFPP is a training program organized and facilitated by Eternal Food Bank to help families become food independent through homesteading food production setup that engenders sustainability in the gardening method being practiced.

 Who Can Participate in the Program?

The program is currently available to members of Eternal Food Evangelistic organization (EFEO) who belong to community Home Church Groups of Christ’s Disciples Fellowship.

When and Where is the Training Held?

The Training Program is held three days of the last week of every quarter (From Thursday to Saturday) 4pm to 6pm. Registration takes place in the first two weeks of each quarter

Are there Fees to Pay to Participate?

There are no fees to participate in the program. All that is required to register for registration for consideration of your participation is to be a current member of Christ’s Disciples Fellowship in good standing for at least six months before registration.

How Does Eternal Food Bank Help Successful Participants?

Eternal Food Ministry supports successful participants in:

  1. Initial planning of their own project
  2. Project execution-Green House Location & Build.
  3. Supply of Initial sets of seeds and seedlings for the greenhouse
  4. Ongoing Professional support in gardening management for sustainability